Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Update: Words From the WestSide: West Seattle Authors Speak

I wanted to point out that West Seattle author, Clay Eals, is featured in a nationally syndicated Associated Press story about his recent book.

It was printed in today’s Seattle Times - here.

Clay is one of the West Seattle authors who will be appearing at Square One Books upcoming Words from the West Side: West Seattle Authors Speak event at Arts West. (see blog entry below)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Words From the WestSide: West Seattle Authors Speak

We thought you might be interested in an upcoming event we are planning to celebrate local West Seattle authors. The date and time are firmed up as is the list of authors. We’ll have more details soon…

Square One Books Special Author Event:

Words From the WestSide: West Seattle Authors Speak

Clay Eals: Steve Goodman: Facing the Music

Carmela and Steven D’Amico: Ella the Elegant Elephant series

Beth Whitman: Wanderlust and Lipstick

Judy Pigott and Dr. John W. Gibson: Personal Safety Nets

At Arts West, Sunday, September 16th beginning at 1:00 p.m.

Books will be available for purchase, and the authors will be on hand to sign them. Stay tuned for more details!